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East Midlands Railway Season Ticket Offer Update


The long-standing SmartGo offer on annual season tickets with East Midlands Railway is changing...

On 18th August 2019, East Midlands Railway began a new franchise term under the transport group Abellio UK. As a result, existing discounts with third-parties, such as SmartGo, are being withdrawn and replaced by a new corporate partnership held directly between Abellio Corporate Travel and employers.

A new discount rate will be in place for staff at selected companies only. This will be 5% for existing annual season ticket holders (previously 10%) and remain at 10% for new annual season ticket customers.

From 1st March 2020, SmartGo members from the below companies will retain access to the discounts until their employer has decided whether to enter a corporate partnership with Abellio Corporate Travel. If they do, then the new SmartGo discount will continue for staff, but if not, the SmartGo discount will cease.

You will continue to have access to the discount for now if you work for:

  • Cambridge & Counties Bank
  • De Montfort University
  • Leicester City Council
  • Loughborough University
  • Pick Everard
  • RG+P
  • University of Leicester

If your employer is not among those listed above, then you no longer have access to the SmartGo discount with East Midlands Railway. If you believe that 10 or more staff at your workplace use a rail season ticket, then please get in touch with us as your employer may be eligible for SmartGo discount access.

We are disappointed that many of our members will no longer be able to access a discount with East Midlands Railway, however, SmartGo remains committed to working with providers to find further ways to incentivise sustainable transport.

If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. 




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